Junction Diner

Our Story

Behind The Success

Welcome To The Junction Diner

Shortly after our son Connor turned 1 we bought him an inexpensive wooden train set. We sat him down on the floor and this new toy entertained him for well over an hour. At that point my husband Brad and I felt like we had hit the jackpot, we had found something that would hold Connors attention for more than 5 minutes.  As we talked to other parents we realized that many kids had the same fascination with trains.

A Couple Years Later

Fast forward a couple years and after many visits to train themed places around the Chicagoland area Brad and I decided that what downtown Forest Park needed was a train themed family restaurant. Madison Street in Forest Park is full of great restaurants and many were family friendly but none of them offered entertainment for the kids.As parents of 3 young kids we regularly ate out in Forest Park and recognized that a restaurant for kids would complement the other restaurants in this area.

From that point we worked toward designing a restaurant that was fun for the kids, comfortable for the parents and one that would offer a variety of delicious, healthy menu options for everyone. You couldn’t have a train restaurant without a train for the kids to play with so we have a large interactive model train table. Since the area doesn’t have many kid focused establishments we recognized that having a party room would also be popular so that parents would have a place to hold birthday parties or other kinds of celebrations.

We hope that when you are looking for something fun to do you will stop by and see us!

Kate and Brad